Corte Madera Women's Improvement Club

Celebrating over 100 years of service
to the Twin Cities of Corte Madera & Larkspur

Home > Activities > 2nd Tuesday Lunch > Archives > 2009-February


February 10, 2009 • Twin Cities Update #1

BOB PENDOLEY, General Manager of Corte Madera, gave us an overview of planning decisions and how they will affect Corte Madera in the coming years. Of particular interest were the following:

  • Police station: The good news is that with the downturn of the economy, it may be less expensive to build. The station will be built in stages, with the Corp Yard being moved first, and the station moved into temporary quarters at the Corp Yard while the new station is built. (As of this reporting, this may change; see:

  • General Plan: The 2009 EIR is done, and it is available on the Town website along with the updated 2008 Plan at:
    The Plan tries to preserve open space, and balance use and development. One of the challenges for the town is to create housing that is mandated by the state. The new owner of the WinCup property has expressed an interest in developing the property as housing, and this would be very beneficial. The Village has also talked about putting housing on the shopping center property, but plans keep changing. Nordstrom would like to increase the size of its store, but would have to provide additional parking, and this is a problem.

  • Hwy 101 Interchange: Bob brought a number of plans showing different configurations dealing with the difficult section of Hwy 101 between Paradise and Sir Francis Drake. CalTrans guidelines call for a maximum of ONE exit/on ramp per mile, and there are FOUR within a mile in this section of highway. The first thing that would be done (5-10 years) is to eliminate the southbound Lucky exit.
    — SEE synopsis on the TAM (Transportation Authority of Marin) website
    — GET Fall 2008 Newsletter from TAM (shows illustrations of the different options and phases), pdf


Corte Madera Women’s Improvement Club
PO Box 486, Corte Madera, CA 94976 • email: